Wednesday, June 1, 2011

This is my 1st attempt to reach out to people, though I am not really sure whether anyone is going to read this ever. But I felt a sudden urge to express myself and blogging seemed to be a great option !
Let me 1st introduce myself... I am a 23 year old girl living in Calcutta,India and I have spent the 23 years of my life in completing my kindergarten, school , high school and graduation. Now am pursuing master degree. Through the past years I have gathered many happy and sad memories, have made friends and even lose a few...have experienced love (only to lose it)...So what I am trying to tell is that I have spent a really self centric and not so extraordinary 23 years.
Now and then when I can free myself from my own thoughts..some really disturbing thoughts often surface from my subconscious mind to my consciousness. I have even spent many restless nights thinking about them and this is the main cause behind my blogging.
My mind sometimes behave so mysteriously that I cant really keep my calm. Certain questions come to my mind which makes me mad cause till date I have not come across any proper answer. Those questions are so simple.. Who I really am and What am I doing in this world and Why on earth so much energy has been spent to bring me into existence if I am so useless and ordinary... what are the reasons??????
These simple questions shook me from within. I have knocked each door of my mind in search of the answers..but all in vain.
Since then my search has began and unless I can find the answers, can't rest in peace. I have shared my feelings with some of my friends.. some have consoled ( totally misunderstanding my need)..some have understood but could not answer and the rest have maintained silence.
Then last night it occurred to me that if I can reach out to more people..may be that might help. So my urge to the people whoever is patient enough to read this is.. please help me out to search the true meaning of the meanwhile I will keep my search on and keep you up to date and will eagerly wait for your response. Till then goodbye and take care.

1 comment:

  1. it is really needless to say we share the same... uh, 'psychology' [you KNOW i say that for want of a better word], and i guess this IS the best place to start the "search". the reason behind the search is so obvious: people come up with solutions which is never the problem. because we hardly can get ourselves to speak out l9ud about it. we're too bothered thinking how it would sound if we said out loud. we fear being tagged unusual [which we are, by the way] and end up misunderstood. not that saying it loud would have helped much though, not many people look at things the way we do. WHICH, actually makes this mode of search much worthier. we reach out to a vast number of people [or we hope we do] and statistically, a few SHOULD strike the right chord :)

    and as an afterthought, i just realized we introverts are better at writing them down than saying it face to face anyway :P
